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Ochrana osobných údajov
Prevádzkovateľ osobných údajov
IBS Invest s.r.o., Palešovo námestie 1196/51, 053 04 Spišské Podhradie, IČO: 53379331, Zapísana v Obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Košice I, oddiel Sro, vložka číslo: 50233/V
Contactná osoba
Mgr. Ivan Stolárik,

Účel spracúvania osobných údajov

Účelom spracúvania osobných údajov je najmä

  • contactovanie dotknutých osôb
  • zabezpečenie zasielania cielených ponúk dotknutým osobám po prejavení záujmu zo strany dotknutých osôb (realizácia oprávneného záujmu prevádzkovateľa)

Rozsah spracúvaných osobných údajov

Osobné údaje záujemcov (dotknutých osôb) o služby poskytované prevádzkovateľom, resp. o zasielanie cielených ponúk dotknutým osobám po prejavení záujmu z ich strany prevádzkovateľ spracúva v nasledovnom rozsahu: meno, telefónne číslo a e-mailová adresa.

Doba uchovania osobných údajov

Prevádzkovateľ uchová osobné údaje dotknutých osôb v internej databáze záujemcov o služby prevádzkovateľa po dobu v trvaní troch (3) rokov odo dňa získania osobných údajov od dotknutých osôb, pričom po uplynutí tejto doby sa prevádzkovateľ zaväzuje zabezpečiť likvidáciu týchto údajov. Osobitná doba uchovania osobných údajov dotknutých osôb sa stanovuje v prípadoch, kedy sa na spracúvanie osobných údajov dotknutých osôb vyžaduje osobitné udelenie súhlasu. Ak sú osobné údaje dotknutých osôb spracúvané za účelom plnenia zákonných povinností, prevádzkovateľ osobné údaje dotknutých osôb spracúva po dobu vymedzenú príslušnými právnymi predpismi.

Právny základ spracúvania osobných údajov

Osobné údaje sú spracúvané v zmysle ustanovenia § 13 ods. 1 písm. f) zákona č. 18/2018 Z. z. o ochrane osobných údajov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov, a teda spracúvanie osobných údajov je nevyhnutné pre účel oprávnených záujmov prevádzkovateľa alebo tretej osoby okrem prípadov, keď by nad týmito záujmami prevádzkovateľa alebo tretej osoby prevažovali záujmy alebo práva dotknutej osoby vyžadujúce si ochranu osobných údajov. Ide o zákonné spracúvanie osobných údajov, na ktoré sa nevyžaduje osobitné udelenie súhlasu zo strany dotknutých osôb.

Poučenie o právach dotknutej osoby

Dotknutá osoba je oprávnená žiadať od prevádzkovateľa formou písomnej alebo elektronickej žiadosti najmä nasledovné:

  • vydanie potvrdenia o tom, či sú, resp. nie sú jej osobné údaje spracúvané,
  • uvedenie zoznamu osobných údajov, ktoré sú predmetom spracúvania,
  • uvedenie informácií o spracúvaní osobných údajov, o rozsahu osobných údajov, o účele ich spracúvania a ostatné súvisiace doplňujúce informácie,
  • uvedenie informácií o zdroji, z ktorého prevádzkovateľ osobné údaje získal,
  • vykonanie opravy/likvidácie spracúvaných osobných údajov dotknutej osoby, ktoré sú neúplné, nepravdivé alebo neaktuálne,
  • vykonanie blokácie osobných údajov dotknutej osoby, pokiaľ došlo k odvolaniu súhlasu s ich spracúvaním pred uplynutím stanovenej lehoty na ich spracúvanie,
  • vykonanie likvidácie spracúvaných osobných údajov, pokiaľ sa dotknutá osoba domnieva, že sú využívané na účely priameho marketingu bez udelenia osobitného súhlasu a
  • vykonanie likvidácie osobných údajov, pokiaľ došlo k zániku účelu ich spracúvania alebo pokiaľ pri ich spracúvaní došlo k porušeniu všeobecne záväzných právnych predpisov.

Kontrolný orgán

Úrad na ochranu osobných údajov
Slovenskej republiky
Hraničná 12
820 07 Bratislava 27
Slovenská republika

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V Spišskom Podhradí, 27. decembra 2022.

Gynaecology Frankfurt: Diagnostics, therapy & advice

Expert:inside for pregnancy and the female sexual and reproductive tract.

Treatment of:

  • Endometriosis
  • Fertility problems
  • Cramps and period pain
  • Cancer (breast, cervix, ovaries)
  • Menopause
  • Ovarian cysts (PCOS)
  • PMS
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pregnancy
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Unusual discharge
  • Irregular cycle
  • Vaginal infections

The practice offers:

  • Fertility and hormone tests 
  • Pelvic exams and pap smears 
  • Pregnancy and postpartum care
  • Ultrasound examinations including Doppler sonography
  • Prevention and early detection
  • Family planning and contraception
  • Counselling for girls
  • Nutritional Medicine

The independent doctors

 Dr. med. Meral Gündüz
Dr. med. Meral Gündüz
Focus practice infertility and hormonal imbalance
Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics
View doctor profile
Dr. med. Rieke Hermann
Dr. med. Rieke Hermann
Holistic gynecology practice
Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics
View doctor profile

Gynecology Frankfurt – holistic women's health

Every woman is confronted with questions, complaints or diseases in the area of the reproductive organs in the course of her life. This is where the gynecology specialists in Frankfurt are your place to go. Women's health is a multifaceted area, because every stage of a woman's or a person's life with female reproductive organs brings with it different challenges and needs. The specialists at the gynecology practice in Frankfurt offer you holistic care that focuses on your health wishes.


  • Individual support for every phase of life
  • Minimally invasive surgery
  • Endometriosis Therapy
  • State-of-the-art diagnostics and treatment methods
  • Screening and early detection of cancer
  • Hormone therapy
  • Sexual Medicine Counselling

Preventive examinations at the gynaecology practice in Frankfurt

Gynaecological check-ups are a fundamental part of women's health care. Most diseases are detected early and are easier to treat, especially in the case of cancer, early diagnosis is crucial. There are several types of cancer that exclusively or mainly affect women, which makes regular cancer screening all the more important. The specialists at the gynecology practice in Frankfurt carry out a wide variety of preventive examinations to rule out cancer or diagnose it as early as possible.

In the first step, your practitioners at the Gynecology Frankfurt always carry out a detailed anamnesis, in which you not only express your complaints, but also present your medical history and family risk factors are taken into account. The use of contraceptives is also discussed, as hormonal contraceptives, for example, can influence the risk of certain cancers. On the basis of the anamnesis, several examinations can be carried out in the practice for gynecology in Frankfurt, which serve to prevent cancer.

Breast palpation and mammography

One of the simplest but most important preventive measures is the breast palpation examination. The breast is palpated for lumps or other changes. By means of palpation, changes can be identified at an early stage. The specialists at the gynecology practice in Frankfurt will perform the breast palpation examination on you and, if necessary, show you how to perform it yourself. Mammography is also part of breast screening and is recommended every two years for women aged 50 and over. 

Examination in the gynecological chair

Special instruments are used to examine the external and internal genital area. Your gynecologist will use the speculum to check the cervix and vagina for abnormalities. Not only changes in the tissue or unusual secretions are taken into account, but also growths or discolorations.

Pap test (Papanicolaou test)

The Pap test examines cells at the Gynecology Department in Frankfurt that can indicate cervical cancer or its precursors. Cells are removed from the cervix with a small brush or spatula and then analyzed under a microscope in the laboratory. The Pap test not only provides information about cancer, but also provides information about inflammation or infection in the vaginal area.

HPV Test

Similar to the Pap test, a sample of cells or fluid is taken from the cervix. Instead of microscopic examination, however, the cells are checked for HPV DNA. A positive result may indicate an increased risk of cervical cancer and may require closer monitoring or give rise to further investigations.

Range of treatments in the gynecology practice in Frankfurt

In the field of women's health, various ailments or diseases may require treatment. In addition to examinations and treatments in the field of general gynaecology, you will be cared for during pregnancy, supported by sexual dysfunction and advised on topics such as contraception, bone density and nutrition. Reproductive medicine and endocrinological treatments are also part of the treatment spectrum at gynaecology in Frankfurt – depending on the diagnosis, interdisciplinary treatment with internal medicine in Frankfurt is also advantageous here. For treatments in the field of urogynecology, it is possible to refer patients to the urology practice in Frankfurt .

Treatment of menopause in gynecology Frankfurt

Menopause is a natural process in every woman's life that marks the transition from the fertile to the non-fertile phase. Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, although the exact timing varies. Menopause is often accompanied by a number of physical and emotional challenges – in addition to hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances and vaginal dryness, as well as other irritations, menopause can also cause psychological symptoms such as depression and anxiety.

At the gynecology practice in Frankfurt, the most common treatment for symptoms is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Hormones whose production decreases during menopause are replaced with medication. This can relieve hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness. Non-hormonal treatment in the form of certain medications is also possible. For example, antidepressants can reduce hot flashes and counteract mood swings. Lifestyle changes, in particular, can help with symptoms caused by menopause – in addition to regular exercise and a healthy diet, relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation and breathing exercises can help. The specialists at Gynecology Frankfurt will be happy to advise you in more detail. Since the treatment of menopause requires an approach that takes a holistic view of the body, a visit to osteopathy in the Frankfurt Space is also recommended in case of complaints.

Treatment of menstrual pain in gynecology Frankfurt

Many women experience pain during their period. For some, however, this pain is so intense that it is impossible or only possible for them to cope with their everyday life with great effort. Your practitioners at Gynecology Frankfurt will help you relieve menstrual pain and improve your quality of life.

In any case, your specialist at the gynecology practice in Frankfurt will discuss the treatment with you. If there is no identifiable underlying medical cause for your pain, treatment with painkillers can help. In this case, your practitioner will also advise you on the extent to which lifestyle changes can contribute to relief. If the pain is due to hormonal fluctuations or excessive bleeding, your gynecologist may advise you to use hormonal contraceptives. If your menstrual pain is caused by a disease (secondary dysmenorrhea), your gynaecologist Frankfurt will get to the bottom of it.

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