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Ochrana osobných údajov
Prevádzkovateľ osobných údajov
IBS Invest s.r.o., Palešovo námestie 1196/51, 053 04 Spišské Podhradie, IČO: 53379331, Zapísana v Obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Košice I, oddiel Sro, vložka číslo: 50233/V
Contactná osoba
Mgr. Ivan Stolárik,

Účel spracúvania osobných údajov

Účelom spracúvania osobných údajov je najmä

  • contactovanie dotknutých osôb
  • zabezpečenie zasielania cielených ponúk dotknutým osobám po prejavení záujmu zo strany dotknutých osôb (realizácia oprávneného záujmu prevádzkovateľa)

Rozsah spracúvaných osobných údajov

Osobné údaje záujemcov (dotknutých osôb) o služby poskytované prevádzkovateľom, resp. o zasielanie cielených ponúk dotknutým osobám po prejavení záujmu z ich strany prevádzkovateľ spracúva v nasledovnom rozsahu: meno, telefónne číslo a e-mailová adresa.

Doba uchovania osobných údajov

Prevádzkovateľ uchová osobné údaje dotknutých osôb v internej databáze záujemcov o služby prevádzkovateľa po dobu v trvaní troch (3) rokov odo dňa získania osobných údajov od dotknutých osôb, pričom po uplynutí tejto doby sa prevádzkovateľ zaväzuje zabezpečiť likvidáciu týchto údajov. Osobitná doba uchovania osobných údajov dotknutých osôb sa stanovuje v prípadoch, kedy sa na spracúvanie osobných údajov dotknutých osôb vyžaduje osobitné udelenie súhlasu. Ak sú osobné údaje dotknutých osôb spracúvané za účelom plnenia zákonných povinností, prevádzkovateľ osobné údaje dotknutých osôb spracúva po dobu vymedzenú príslušnými právnymi predpismi.

Právny základ spracúvania osobných údajov

Osobné údaje sú spracúvané v zmysle ustanovenia § 13 ods. 1 písm. f) zákona č. 18/2018 Z. z. o ochrane osobných údajov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov, a teda spracúvanie osobných údajov je nevyhnutné pre účel oprávnených záujmov prevádzkovateľa alebo tretej osoby okrem prípadov, keď by nad týmito záujmami prevádzkovateľa alebo tretej osoby prevažovali záujmy alebo práva dotknutej osoby vyžadujúce si ochranu osobných údajov. Ide o zákonné spracúvanie osobných údajov, na ktoré sa nevyžaduje osobitné udelenie súhlasu zo strany dotknutých osôb.

Poučenie o právach dotknutej osoby

Dotknutá osoba je oprávnená žiadať od prevádzkovateľa formou písomnej alebo elektronickej žiadosti najmä nasledovné:

  • vydanie potvrdenia o tom, či sú, resp. nie sú jej osobné údaje spracúvané,
  • uvedenie zoznamu osobných údajov, ktoré sú predmetom spracúvania,
  • uvedenie informácií o spracúvaní osobných údajov, o rozsahu osobných údajov, o účele ich spracúvania a ostatné súvisiace doplňujúce informácie,
  • uvedenie informácií o zdroji, z ktorého prevádzkovateľ osobné údaje získal,
  • vykonanie opravy/likvidácie spracúvaných osobných údajov dotknutej osoby, ktoré sú neúplné, nepravdivé alebo neaktuálne,
  • vykonanie blokácie osobných údajov dotknutej osoby, pokiaľ došlo k odvolaniu súhlasu s ich spracúvaním pred uplynutím stanovenej lehoty na ich spracúvanie,
  • vykonanie likvidácie spracúvaných osobných údajov, pokiaľ sa dotknutá osoba domnieva, že sú využívané na účely priameho marketingu bez udelenia osobitného súhlasu a
  • vykonanie likvidácie osobných údajov, pokiaľ došlo k zániku účelu ich spracúvania alebo pokiaľ pri ich spracúvaní došlo k porušeniu všeobecne záväzných právnych predpisov.

Kontrolný orgán

Úrad na ochranu osobných údajov
Slovenskej republiky
Hraničná 12
820 07 Bratislava 27
Slovenská republika

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V Spišskom Podhradí, 27. decembra 2022.

Dr. med. Wagma von Gaertner

Dr. med. Wagma von Gaertner

Specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery

The aim of plastic and aesthetic surgery is to restore or improve body shape and visibly disturbed body functions.

A warm welcome!

Welcome to my practice in Frankfurt am Main,

As an experienced specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, I offer my patients a wide range of treatments and surgeries in my field.

Opening hours

Dates by arrangement

Mon, Tue & Thu 9:00 - 19:00

Wed & Fri 9:00 - 14:00


Dr. med. Wagma von Gaertner


  • Treatment of privately insured and self-pay patients
  • German, English, Farsi
  • Digital patient file
  • Self-employed in own practice for plastic and aesthetic surgery at Eterno since 04/2023
  • Self-employed in own practice for plastic and aesthetic surgery since 2022
  • Specialist in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery since 2017
  • Employed specialist for plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery in the practice Dr. Holle & Kollegen
  • Resident in the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery Center for Severely Burned Patients Klinikum Offenbach, Prof. Menke
  • Experimental doctoral thesis in the Dr. Senckenberg Anatomy of the University of Frankfurt am Main with the highest grade "suma cum laude
  • I studied human medicine at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.


Breast surgery - Breast augmentation

My main focus is on breast surgery. In addition to breast reduction, breast augmentation, breast lift and the correction of sagging breasts, I also treat congenital breast malformations such as tubular breast forms and breast reconstruction after tumor diseases. Since every breast is different in shape and tissue composition, the consultation is my top priority. In a personal conversation from woman to woman, you have the opportunity to express all your questions and concerns without inhibitions. I would like to respond to your individual ideas and wishes. After the consultation and examination, an individual treatment plan will be created. With special care we discuss all surgical techniques and risks. The well-being of my patients is my priority.

Breast surgery - Breast augmentation with B-Lite

The development of the so-called "light" implants has made it possible to perform breast augmentation even on women for whom a classic breast augmentation with silicone implants is not suitable. This is especially true for women who have lost a lot of weight or have weak connective tissue, for example after pregnancy. The implants are not only 30% lighter, they are also very leak-proof and dimensionally stable due to their special composition. The skin and breast tissue are less stressed by the reduced weight and the breast does not sag as quickly and severely, which is unavoidable with conventional large silicone implants. We will discuss whether the B-Lite implants are suitable for you together in my practice in Frankfurt am Main. Sample implants will give you a better impression. Since every breast is different in shape and tissue composition, the consultation has the highest priority with me. In a personal conversation from woman to woman, you have the opportunity to express all your questions and concerns without inhibitions. I would like to respond to your individual ideas and wishes. After the consultation and examination, an individual treatment plan will be created for you. We discuss all surgical techniques and risks with particular care. The well-being of my patients is my top priority.

Breast surgery - Breast reduction

A large, sagging and too heavy breast (mammary hyperplasia) is a very big burden for many women. There are many reasons for excessive breast volume. In addition to a genetic predisposition, in which disproportionately large breasts can develop as early as puberty, increased glandular growth can also occur due to natural hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause. If the size of the breast does not fit with the overall appearance of the body, this can lead not only to physical but also to psychological discomfort. Patients often suffer from neck, head and spinal pain. In addition, there are postural problems and inflammatory changes in the underbust fold. No less important are the psychosocial disorders that occur, especially in younger women. This can range from decreased social contacts to a disturbance in psychosexual development. The only permanent and reasonable solution is surgical breast reduction. Health complaints improve abruptly and a new attitude towards life for the affected women is the result. Although breast reduction has been proven to reduce long-term damage to the shoulder and spine, unfortunately health insurance companies very often refuse to cover the costs of the operation despite medical indications. My main focus is on breast surgery. In addition to breast reduction, breast augmentation, breast lift and the correction of sagging breasts, I also treat congenital breast malformations such as tubular breast forms and breast reconstruction after tumor diseases. It is very important to me to respond to my patients' wishes regarding shape and size and to restore natural proportions. The physical and emotional well-being of my patients is always my priority. After an examination and a detailed consultation, I create an individual treatment plan. With particular care, we discuss all questions regarding possible surgical techniques, risks and the course of treatment.

Breast surgery - breast lift

Sagging breasts (mammaptosis) are a very big burden for many women. After pregnancy, weight fluctuations and weight loss, many women suffer from sagging breast skin with enlarged areolas and a lack of volume in the décolleté. In addition, a genetic predisposition with connective tissue weakness or a congenital malformation can severely affect the shape of the breast. The affected women do not feel comfortable in their bodies and withdraw from society. Especially in younger women, it can even lead to psychosocial disorders with reduced social contacts and disturbance of psychosexual development. Unfortunately, breast lift is classified by the health insurance as a purely cosmetic operation and the costs are usually not covered. There are various surgical techniques that can be used for a breast lift (mastopexy). Depending on the initial findings, I will discuss the right procedure with you. My focus is on breast surgery. In addition to breast reduction, breast augmentation, breast lift and the correction of sagging breasts, I also treat congenital breast malformations such as tubular breast forms and breast reconstruction after tumor diseases. It is important to me to respond to the wishes for shape and size and to restore natural proportions. After a detailed consultation and examination, an individual treatment plan is created. With special care we discuss all surgical techniques and risks.

Breast surgery - nipple reconstruction

The shape, size and position of the nipple determine to a large extent the aesthetic appearance of the female and male breast. Patients find inverted nipples or nipples that are too large with enlarged areolae very disturbing. In addition to cosmetic aspects, inverted nipples can also cause discomfort such as itching and oozing sores. I will be happy to advise you on surgical correction options in my practice.I specialize in breast surgery and nipple reconstruction (reduction/restoration after complete removal) is one of the most common surgeries I perform. Due to my many years of working in the breast centers, breast and nipple reconstruction has been one of my main focuses. It is important to me to respond to the wishes for shape and size and to restore natural proportions. After a detailed consultation and examination, an individual treatment plan is created. With special care we discuss all surgical techniques and risks.

If you would like to get in touch with me and learn more about my services, simply make an appointment at my practice in the heart of Frankfurt. In your consultation I can inform you in detail and respond specifically to your individual ideas and wishes. 

I am glad to meet you!