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Do you have questions about Eterno - or would you like to book an appointment?
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Are you a patient at one of the Eterno locations and have further questions? We have provided further questions and answers for you here .

We currently have two offices in operation. In Hamburg you will find us in the Kaufmannshaus at Bleichenbrücke 10, 20354 Hamburg and in Frankfurt on the 5th floor of the Windows building at Bockenheimer Landstraße 33, 60325 Frankfurt am Main.

Eterno offers nearly all primary care specialties. Our location page shows which specialties are offered at each location at Eterno.

On our page "Jobs" you will find our vacancies. We look forward to receiving your application!

Please visit our Doctors & Therapists area. There you will find initial information and can request a non-binding quote using the contact form.

Under the button "Book appointment" in the menu, you can quickly and conveniently book an appointment with us.