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More than 50 doctors already trust us

Rent practice rooms

Doctors and therapists from various specialties can rent practice rooms from Eterno and set up, relocate or expand their practice.

Practice rooms for rent - in Frankfurt-Westend

An exclusive Eterno Space with modern practice rooms and first-class facilities awaits you in the heart of Frankfurt's charming West End. Set up or relocate your practice to this central location and benefit from a wide range of services.

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Practice rooms for rent - in Frankfurt-Westend

In the heart of Hamburg's vibrant city center, Eterno offers you an innovative space for your practice. Our modern, well-equipped premises and comprehensive services create the ideal conditions for your independence.

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Rent practice rooms - in Berlin

Our Eterno Space in Berlin is a meeting place for doctors of various specialties. Here you can establish your practice in a modern environment with a holistic service concept.

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State-of-the-art facilities

Thanks to our advanced infrastructure, you benefit from a working environment at Eterno Spaces that leaves nothing to be desired. Our fully equipped practice rooms allow you to pursue your work at the highest level.

Fully equipped specialist and functional rooms
Maintenance, cleaning and servicing
Procedure rooms, POCT labs, telemedicine rooms and much more.

Full of first-class services

Eterno not only provides you with premises, but also supports you with first-class services. We take care of all non-medical tasks so that you can devote yourself fully to your medical work.

Various front and back office services
Extensive service network
Support with billing and tax
Eterno Cloud

Cloud solution for the modern practice

With the Eterno Cloud, you can optimize your practice operations and take patient care to a new level.

Efficient and digitalized practice processes
A complete solution from a single source
Intuitive, easy operation
Eterno As a service

Eterno services take the strain off your day-to-day work

Thanks to our close cooperation with doctors, we know the biggest bottlenecks in a practice. The individually bookable services we offer automate important work processes, increase your efficiency and save you time and stress.

Professional telephone services
Support in procurement issues
Support with billing

What is our added value?

Eterno relieves independent physicians and therapists of the administrative and organizational burden of running a normal practice.

Individual practice
Professional & economic independence
Own medical sales
Reduced entrepreneurial risk
Relief from administrative tasks
Cost reduction
"Start-up wants to offer coworking space for doctors."
"A Frankfurt-based entrepreneur rents out ready-made medical offices to doctors - relieving them of unpleasant duties."
"Coworking Space for Doctors Opens in Hamburg."
We strengthen independence and promote modern care

Through our digitized and contemporary operating model, you benefit from advanced infrastructure, efficient processes and the latest medical technology. You can focus on what is really important - medicine.

Dr. med. univ. Markus Philipp Corterier (38)
Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery: after working for several years as a senior physician at the clinic, he became self-employed, took over a practice and relocated to the Eterno Space.

FAQs about renting practice rooms with Eterno

Eterno provides you with fully equipped practice rooms and offers you comprehensive support in setting up your practice. If you already have a practice, you can alternatively relocate your current premises to an Eterno space and benefit from the Eterno infrastructure. It is also possible to expand your practice - with a branch practice at an Eterno location, you can increase your catchment area and tap into new patient groups. Would you like to expand your range of treatments and offer patients surgery at a secondary location? No problem with a procedure room in the Eterno Space. Are you planning an event? You can even rent event locations in Frankfurt or Hamburg from Eterno.

What makes Eterno so unique? Our model combines the advantages of a traditional individual practice with the benefits of a medical care center (MVZ). In contrast to an MVZ, with Eterno you remain financially and economically independent. In addition, renting practice space from Eterno means that you are spared expensive investments in medical technology or practice equipment - so you are not exposed to any investment risk.

Eterno offers practice spaces for a wide range of medical specialties. Our spaces are home to practices for general medicine, internal medicine, orthopaedics, dermatology, gynaecology and many more. Eterno promotes interdisciplinary exchange and enables networked, holistic treatment.

Full-time package:

  • From € 8,000 per month
  • 5 days per week
  • Includes: Specialist room, examination room, practice management, staff, appointment booking, billing, marketing
  • Plus one-off admission fee and 3-month deposit

Part-time package:

  • From € 3,500 per month
  • 2 days per week
  • Includes: Specialist room, examination room, practice management, staff, appointment booking, billing, marketing
  • Plus one-off admission fee and 3-month deposit

In addition to providing, maintaining and servicing the premises, we provide you with comprehensive support in managing your practice. We take care of patient management, appointment scheduling and billing. With our Eterno.Cloud practice software, we also offer you an advanced solution for the digitalization of your practice. We advise you on legal issues and take care of quality management, marketing and much more.