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Ochrana osobných údajov
Prevádzkovateľ osobných údajov
IBS Invest s.r.o., Palešovo námestie 1196/51, 053 04 Spišské Podhradie, IČO: 53379331, Zapísana v Obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Košice I, oddiel Sro, vložka číslo: 50233/V
Contactná osoba
Mgr. Ivan Stolárik,

Účel spracúvania osobných údajov

Účelom spracúvania osobných údajov je najmä

  • contactovanie dotknutých osôb
  • zabezpečenie zasielania cielených ponúk dotknutým osobám po prejavení záujmu zo strany dotknutých osôb (realizácia oprávneného záujmu prevádzkovateľa)

Rozsah spracúvaných osobných údajov

Osobné údaje záujemcov (dotknutých osôb) o služby poskytované prevádzkovateľom, resp. o zasielanie cielených ponúk dotknutým osobám po prejavení záujmu z ich strany prevádzkovateľ spracúva v nasledovnom rozsahu: meno, telefónne číslo a e-mailová adresa.

Doba uchovania osobných údajov

Prevádzkovateľ uchová osobné údaje dotknutých osôb v internej databáze záujemcov o služby prevádzkovateľa po dobu v trvaní troch (3) rokov odo dňa získania osobných údajov od dotknutých osôb, pričom po uplynutí tejto doby sa prevádzkovateľ zaväzuje zabezpečiť likvidáciu týchto údajov. Osobitná doba uchovania osobných údajov dotknutých osôb sa stanovuje v prípadoch, kedy sa na spracúvanie osobných údajov dotknutých osôb vyžaduje osobitné udelenie súhlasu. Ak sú osobné údaje dotknutých osôb spracúvané za účelom plnenia zákonných povinností, prevádzkovateľ osobné údaje dotknutých osôb spracúva po dobu vymedzenú príslušnými právnymi predpismi.

Právny základ spracúvania osobných údajov

Osobné údaje sú spracúvané v zmysle ustanovenia § 13 ods. 1 písm. f) zákona č. 18/2018 Z. z. o ochrane osobných údajov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov, a teda spracúvanie osobných údajov je nevyhnutné pre účel oprávnených záujmov prevádzkovateľa alebo tretej osoby okrem prípadov, keď by nad týmito záujmami prevádzkovateľa alebo tretej osoby prevažovali záujmy alebo práva dotknutej osoby vyžadujúce si ochranu osobných údajov. Ide o zákonné spracúvanie osobných údajov, na ktoré sa nevyžaduje osobitné udelenie súhlasu zo strany dotknutých osôb.

Poučenie o právach dotknutej osoby

Dotknutá osoba je oprávnená žiadať od prevádzkovateľa formou písomnej alebo elektronickej žiadosti najmä nasledovné:

  • vydanie potvrdenia o tom, či sú, resp. nie sú jej osobné údaje spracúvané,
  • uvedenie zoznamu osobných údajov, ktoré sú predmetom spracúvania,
  • uvedenie informácií o spracúvaní osobných údajov, o rozsahu osobných údajov, o účele ich spracúvania a ostatné súvisiace doplňujúce informácie,
  • uvedenie informácií o zdroji, z ktorého prevádzkovateľ osobné údaje získal,
  • vykonanie opravy/likvidácie spracúvaných osobných údajov dotknutej osoby, ktoré sú neúplné, nepravdivé alebo neaktuálne,
  • vykonanie blokácie osobných údajov dotknutej osoby, pokiaľ došlo k odvolaniu súhlasu s ich spracúvaním pred uplynutím stanovenej lehoty na ich spracúvanie,
  • vykonanie likvidácie spracúvaných osobných údajov, pokiaľ sa dotknutá osoba domnieva, že sú využívané na účely priameho marketingu bez udelenia osobitného súhlasu a
  • vykonanie likvidácie osobných údajov, pokiaľ došlo k zániku účelu ich spracúvania alebo pokiaľ pri ich spracúvaní došlo k porušeniu všeobecne záväzných právnych predpisov.

Kontrolný orgán

Úrad na ochranu osobných údajov
Slovenskej republiky
Hraničná 12
820 07 Bratislava 27
Slovenská republika

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V Spišskom Podhradí, 27. decembra 2022.

Dr. med. Siegbert Stracke
Practice for internal medicine, general and emergency medicine

Dr. med. Siegbert Stracke

Specialist Internal Medicine

Emergency Medicine

Prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of diseases of the internal organs

A warm welcome!

on my website at Eterno.

As an experienced specialist in internal medicine, it is my concern to offer you holistic and individually tailored medical care. In my practice, I am dedicated to the latest findings in medicine and use the most modern technologies to provide you with comprehensive diagnostics and therapy.  

Opening hours

Wednesday 8:00 - 14:00

Friday 8:00 - 14:00


Dr. med. Siegbert Stracke


Dr. med. Siegbert Stracke

  • Private insurance / self-payer
  • German / English
  • Digital patient file
  • Complete internal diagnostics
  • ‍From05/2023 Practice at Eterno Hub Frankfurt
  • Specialist in internal medicine, emergency medicine:‍
  • 02/2005 - 04/2007: outpatient clinic, cardiac catheterization laboratory, intermediate care ward‍
  • 04/2007 - 12/2009: Cardiological and pulmonological intensive care unit of the Medical Clinic I‍.
  • 01/2008 - 12/2009: Emergency physician at the Giessen‍ University Hospital site.
  • 01/2010 - 12/2012: Medical Clinic University Hospital Giessen‍
  • 01/2013 - 12/2018: Freelance physician, focus on emergency rooms.
  • Health Economist & Executive MBA:‍
  • 01/2013 - today: Managing Partner Sanexio GmbH‍
  • 11/2021 - today: Private Equity Advisor (EBS)


  • Study of human medicine‍
  • 10/1998 - 10/2004 State examination, license to practice medicine | Justus Liebig University Giessen | grade: very good
  • PhD: "Laser Doppler fluxmetry in osteoporosis. An investigation of the blood flow of the distal radius in the periosteum-to-bone transition area using laser Doppler fluxmetry to record functional parameters of the microcirculation"‍
  • Health Economist & Executive MBA:
  • 09/2011 - 09/2012 MBA Health Care Management | European Business School | OAM: very good
  • Thesis: "Futures trading as a risk instrument for health care stakeholders"
  • 2011 Semester abroad at the University of Stellenbosch | Cape town, South Africa |‍
  • 09/2010 - 09/2011 Health Economics | European Business School | Grade: very good | ECTS-Grade: A
  • Thesis: "Grace risk score for the management of patient flows in a chest pain unit under economic aspects"‍.
  • Study Mathematics & Computer Science:‍
  • 2008 Guest auditor Business Informatics| Distance University Hagen‍
  • 10/1998 - 10/2000 Guest lecturer mathematics|JLU-Gießen


S. Saul, MD

  • Private insurance / self-payer
  • German / English / French / Spanish
  • Digital patient file
  • Complete internal diagnostics

Professional Experience:

  • 10/2019-04/2020 House and specialist center Sachsenhausen: Hospitation
  • 2004-2019 MC Mutual, Madrid, Spain
  • Employed specialist in general medicine in a clinic of the Spanish professional association MC Mutual. Responsible for the treatment and assessment of occupational accidents.
  • Since 2010 additionally instructor for ultrasound diagnostics (more than 1200 examinations/year and responsible for in-house training)
  • Since 2018 senior physician for Extremadura, Castilla y León.
  • 2007 - 2009 Private practice CENSALUD, Madrid, Spain - Private consultation for general medicine with focus on foreign patients (German, French or English speaking)
  • 2004 - 2007 IMSALUD (Spanish public health system), Madrid, Spain - employed general practitioner as long-term substitute in different outpatient centers "centros de salud".
  • 2002 - 2005 HOSPITAL SAN RAFAEL, Madrid, Spain - Pediatric Emergency Department Physician.
  • 2003 - 2004 IMSALUD (Spanish public health system), Madrid, Spain - 2nd year residency training
  • 2002 - 2003 Practice Dres. Beucken et Bouffesile, Brussels, Belgium - 1st year of residency training


  • 2005 - 2018 SEECO (equiv. German Society for Ultrasound DEGUM), Orte, Spain
  • Advanced training in ultrasound diagnostics, certificate I and II
  • 2006 - 2007 Universidad de Barcelona virtual, Barcelona, Spain
  • Master "Peritaje y valoracion de daños corporales", (Physical Injury Expert).
  • 2001 - 2004 Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) , Belgium
  • Specialist in general medicine
  • 1994 - 2002 Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) , Belgium
  • Study of medicine, graduated cum laudum
  • 1991 - 1994European SchoolBrussels, Belgium
  • European Baccalaureate, German section (1.2 grade point average)
Thyroid diagnostics including ultrasound

The thyroid gland is an organ located in the neck, which produces vital hormones. These hormones regulate the basal metabolic rate and act in almost all body cells, stimulating energy metabolism there. They are also important for growth and differentiation. Hormone production requires iodine. In the case of a corresponding undersupply, the lack of formation of these hormones can occur. This hormone deficiency is then registered in our pituitary gland and the control hormone TSH is released, which is supposed to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce more. However, an increased release of TSH also leads to thyroid growth and the so-called goitre (goiter) can develop. The shape of the thyroid gland can be examined in humans by palpating the neck. A pronounced goiter is visible in humans. In imaging diagnostics, mainly ultrasound and scintigraphy are used for further clarification in the case of nodules and functional disorders. Computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are also used for special questions. Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid gland is used to obtain samples for cytology. A biopsy is used to obtain samples for histological examination. These special examinations are then performed after referral to a radiologist. In the laboratory, free T3 and T4 levels as well as TSH and thyroglobulin levels can be determined. For special questions, further laboratory parameters, e.g. antibodies, are requested. If we find an enlarged thyroid gland during the physical examination, further clarification is carried out by means of ultrasound (sonography) of the thyroid gland.

Examination of the carotid arteries (carotid duplex)

Sonography of the carotid arteries consists, on the one hand, in the determination of the wall inner layer thickness (so-called intima-media complex) and representation of soft, hard, calcium-dense or also shadowing plaques in the flow area of the cerebral vessels visible outside the skull.The widening of the intima-media complex and plaques are signs of systemic arteriosclerosis. In connection with elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, obesity or smoking, sonography of the neck vessels therefore provides essential information on the personal risk situation.Color-coded duplex sonography of the neck vessels also reveals significant constrictions, occlusions, vessel tears or even relevant changes in blood flow.

Examination of the heart

Cardiac ultrasound can be used for advanced diagnosis of cardiovascular disease. It provides valuable information about cardiac function and any defects. Cardiomyopathy, inflammation, blood clots and heart failure can also be detected with the help of a cardiac echo. In principle, performing a cardiac ultrasound is low-risk and painless for patients. Ergometry can provide indications of calcification of the coronary vessels. Our heart beats about 60 times a minute and must contract and then expand again. It is only during the expansion that the heart itself is supplied with blood and thus oxygen, since the supply vessels are squeezed during the contraction phase. The blood supply to the inner layers of our heart muscle is now restricted in the case of calcifications, since less blood can flow through per time due to the reduced diameter of the corresponding vessels caused by the calcifications. At rest, this may not bother the patient in question. We remember: At rest, the heart beats about 60 times a minute. However, when we exert ourselves, the pulse also increases in accordance with the exertion, and this naturally reduces the time that the heart muscle gets to recover after each beat. This also decreases the time for oxygen supply. During an exercise ECG, we want to provoke exactly this condition to see if there is a reduction in blood flow to the heart. This causes changes in the ECG, which we can then record.

Vascular diagnostics of the legs

Ultrasound of the leg veins in the presence of thrombosis, orienting screening for pAVD with sonography of the iliac arteries and Aa. femorales, ABI (ankle-brachial index).‍

Sono abdomen

During the ultrasound of the abdomen, the liver with bile ducts and gall bladder, the pancreas, parts of the stomach and the spleen are examined in detail. At the same time, the large abdominal vessels are examined, including the aorta with its large outlets, the vena cava and the portal vein. Furthermore, a sonographic examination of the intestine is performed - in the case of corresponding complaints, the descending colon and the region around the appendix in particular are examined more closely. In the case of gastrointestinal infections, an assessment of the small intestine can also be performed.‍